We at JUFC like to express our sincere apologies to all Manchester United fans out there who have probably felt deep anger and resentment at this website for the defamatory comments made on the commentboard thingy by a certain individual with many names and many nationalities. His views on Manchester United and his love for Chelsea in no way represents the majority of Jollies Football Club shareholders; in fact he is a tiny minority of two people who actually like to watch this corporate money-making conglomerate-subsidiary masquerade as a real football team and boring half the world to sleep everyday and the other half 12 hours later much like how the setting of the sun signals the end of a day and time for slumber, the sight of THAT team playing such disgusting football even after having spent billions of billions can induce catatonia of the severest form and once again we apologise sincerely for any emotional trauma caused. As a token of goodwill we will be including a sign-up form for anyone who wants to join this football club just to beat the crap and break the legs of the individual posting these dumbass comments on the board, however it is with regret that we announce that at the exact time that we are writing this word - word, the list is already full and the waiting list to get on the list has also been filled within seconds of posting it up. thus we have taken both lists down. the waiting list to get on the waiting list is already up and the numbers currently stand at 2300 people so we advise you to get on it fast. Individuals lucky enough to have snapped up the 5000 slots on the main list will be informed as soon as said individual touches down from the land of tea and scones.
Thank you very much. Hi five !